danilaxxl danilaxxl


[CreateMenuItem(fileName = "newItem", menuName = "Data/Items/Collectable", order = 51]

GoloGames GoloGames

vadya_ivan, рад, что вам игра показалась интересной : )

P.S. Кстати уже доступна бесплатная демо-версия в Steam

vadya_ivan vadya_ivan

Визуал, задумка, музыка , механики, все в цель

GoloGames GoloGames

Ato_Ome, спасибо за позитивные эмоции, будем стараться : )

Ato_Ome Ato_Ome

Потрясающий результат, все так четенько, плавненько)
То ли саунд, то ли плавность напомнили мне игрушку World of Goo, удачи вам в разработке и сил побольше дойти до релиза!)

Cute Fox Cute Fox

Graphics are a little cool, good HD content. But this game doesn't cause nary interest me.
However the game is well done.


Почему действие после всех условий выполняется?
[step another object]

Zemlaynin Zemlaynin

Jusper, Везде, но наугад строить смысла нет. Нужно разведать сперва территорию на наличие ресурсов.

Jusper Jusper

Zemlaynin, а карьеры можно будет везде запихать?
Или под них "особые" зоны будут?

Zemlaynin Zemlaynin

Это так скажем тестовое строительство, а так да у города будет зона влияния которую нужно будет расширять.

Jusper Jusper

А ссылка есть?

Jusper Jusper

Я не оч понял из скриншота, как вообще работает стройка. У игрока будет как бы поле строительства?

split97 split97

в игру нужно добавить время песочные часы в инвентаре, пока бегаешь наберается усталость и ты очень тормозной мобильный враг просто убевает

split97 split97

в игру нужно добавить время песочные часы в инвентаре, пока бегаешь наберается усталость и ты очень тормозной мобильный враг просто убевает

ViktorJaguar ViktorJaguar

Почему я нигде не могу найти нормальный туториал, где покажут как экипировать предмет (например, меч) в определенную (выделенную под оружие) ячейку???

Логотип проекта Unity

Рисование для отладки

Часто случается, что требуется посмотреть, что за вектора у тебя получаются в том или ином участке кода. Для такой функции конечно, можно выносить все в отдельные переменные, подключать рисовалку по Gizmos/Handles, но я решил поступить чуть проще и написать отдельный класс, который это делает.

Сам код, кинуть в любую папку проекта:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class GizmosObject : MonoBehaviour
    private Dictionary<string, GizmosCommand> _dictionary = new Dictionary<string, GizmosCommand>();

    // Line
    public void DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            name = id

    public void DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            name = id, 
            handle = true

    public void DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            color = color,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    // Point
    public void DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = true,
            name = id
    public void DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = true,
            color = color,
            name = id

    // Vector from null
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            name = id
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id, 
            handle = true

    // Vector 
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            name = id

    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    // Direction
    public void DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            name = id

    public void DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin+direction,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id, 
            handle = true
    public const float sizeCoef = .15f;
    private static void DrawVectorGizmos(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, bool handle)
        if (handle)
            Handles.DrawLine(from, to);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
        var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(to)*sizeCoef;
        var q = Quaternion.LookRotation((to - from).normalized);
        if (handle)
            Handles.SphereCap(-1, from, Quaternion.identity, size);
            Handles.ConeCap(-1, to, q, size);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(to - q*((Vector3.forward + Vector3.right).normalized*size), to);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(to - q*((Vector3.forward - Vector3.right).normalized*size), to);

    public void OnDrawGizmos() 
        foreach (var command in _dictionary.Values)

    private void Inside(GizmosCommand command)
        var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(command.end) * sizeCoef;
        Gizmos.color = command.color;
        Handles.color = command.color;
        if (command.line)
            if (command.handle)
                Handles.DrawLine(command.start, command.end);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(command.start, command.end);
            var v = (command.start + command.end)/2f;
            DrawLabel(v, command.color, command.name);
        else if (command.point)
            Handles.DotCap(-1, command.end, Camera.current.transform.rotation, size * .12f);
            DrawLabel(command.end, command.color, command.name);
            DrawVectorGizmos(command.start, command.end, command.handle);
            var v = (command.start + command.end)/2f;
            DrawLabel(v, command.color, command.name);

    private static void DrawLabel(Vector3 v, Color color, string label)
        var cam = Camera.current;
        var point = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(v);

        var style = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = color }, contentOffset = new Vector2(2, -7), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (point.z > 0 && new Rect(0, 0, cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight).Contains(point))
            var text = "  " + (label ?? "");
            Handles.Label(v, text, style1);
            Handles.Label(v, text, style2);
            Handles.Label(v, text, style3);
            Handles.Label(v, text, style4);
            Handles.Label(v, text, style);

    static void CreateIfNull()
        if (style1 == null)
            style1 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(1, -8), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style2 == null)
            style2 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(1, -6), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style3 == null)
            style3 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(3, -8), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style4 == null) 
            style4 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(3, -6), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
    private static GUIStyle style1, style2, style3, style4;
    private class GizmosCommand
        public Color color = Color.white;
        public string name;
        public Vector3 start;
        public Vector3 end;
        public bool point;
        public bool line;
        public bool handle;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class GizmosObject : MonoBehaviour
    private Dictionary<string, GizmosCommand> _dictionary = new Dictionary<string, GizmosCommand>();

    // Line
    public void DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            name = id

    public void DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            name = id, 
            handle = true

    public void DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            line = true,
            color = color,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    // Point
    public void DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = true,
            name = id
    public void DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = true,
            color = color,
            name = id

    // Vector from null
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            name = id
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            end = point,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id, 
            handle = true

    // Vector 
    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            name = id

    public void DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = from,
            end = to,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    // Direction
    public void DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            name = id

    public void DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin+direction,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id

    public void DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            name = id,
            handle = true

    public void DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        _dictionary[id] = (new GizmosCommand
            start = origin,
            end = origin + direction,
            point = false,
            color = color,
            name = id, 
            handle = true

    public void DrawDefault(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        DrawVectorH(id, from, to, color);

    public void DrawDefault(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        DrawVectorH(id, from, to);

    public void DrawDefault(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
        DrawPoint(id, point, color);

    public void DrawDefault(string id, Vector3 point)
        DrawPoint(id, point);

    public const float sizeCoef = .15f;
    private static void DrawVectorGizmos(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, bool handle)
        if (handle)
            Handles.DrawLine(from, to);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
        var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(to)*sizeCoef;
        var q = Quaternion.LookRotation((to - from).normalized);
        if (handle)
            Handles.SphereCap(-1, from, Quaternion.identity, size);
            Handles.ConeCap(-1, to, q, size);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(to - q*((Vector3.forward + Vector3.right).normalized*size), to);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(to - q*((Vector3.forward - Vector3.right).normalized*size), to);

    protected void OnDrawGizmos() 
        foreach (var command in _dictionary.Values)

    public bool timer = true;
    public float deathTime = 5f;
    protected void Update()
        if (!timer)
        deathTime = Mathf.Max(deathTime, 1.5f);
        var removeKeys = new List<string>();
        foreach (var item in _dictionary)
            var command = item.Value;
            command.time += Time.deltaTime;
            var diff = deathTime - command.time;
            if (diff < 1f)
                command.color.a = diff;
            if (command.time > deathTime) 
        foreach (var key in removeKeys)

    private void Inside(GizmosCommand command)
        var size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(command.end) * sizeCoef;
        Gizmos.color = command.color;
        Handles.color = command.color;
        if (command.line)
            if (command.handle)
                Handles.DrawLine(command.start, command.end);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(command.start, command.end);
            var v = (command.start + command.end)/2f;
            DrawLabel(v, command.color, command.name);
        else if (command.point)
            Handles.DotCap(-1, command.end, Camera.current.transform.rotation, size * .12f);
            DrawLabel(command.end, command.color, command.name);
            DrawVectorGizmos(command.start, command.end, command.handle);
            var v = (command.start + command.end)/2f;
            DrawLabel(v, command.color, command.name);

    private static void DrawLabel(Vector3 v, Color color, string label)
        var cam = Camera.current;
        var point = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(v);

        var style = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = color }, contentOffset = new Vector2(2, -7), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (point.z > 0 && new Rect(0, 0, cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight).Contains(point))
            var text = "  " + (label ?? "");
            Handles.Label(v, text, new GUIStyle(style1) { normal = {textColor = new Color(0,0,0,color.a)}});
            Handles.Label(v, text, new GUIStyle(style2) { normal = {textColor = new Color(0,0,0,color.a)}});
            Handles.Label(v, text, new GUIStyle(style3) { normal = {textColor = new Color(0,0,0,color.a)}});
            Handles.Label(v, text, new GUIStyle(style4) { normal = {textColor = new Color(0,0,0,color.a)}});
            Handles.Label(v, text, style);

    static void CreateIfNull()
        if (style1 == null)
            style1 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(1, -8), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style2 == null)
            style2 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(1, -6), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style3 == null)
            style3 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(3, -8), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
        if (style4 == null) 
            style4 = new GUIStyle("label") { normal = { textColor = Color.black }, contentOffset = new Vector2(3, -6), fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
    private static GUIStyle style1, style2, style3, style4;
    private class GizmosCommand
        public Color color = Color.white;
        public string name;
        public Vector3 start;
        public Vector3 end;
        public bool point;
        public bool line;
        public bool handle;
        public float time;

Для использования в скрипте необходимо получить доступ к этому компоненту. Его можно навесить вручную, а можно закешировать в коде, что будет значительно лучше. Вы можете ввести вот такой код в ваш компонент:

    private GizmosObject _gizmos;
    public GizmosObject gizmos
            if (_gizmos == null)
                _gizmos = GetComponent<GizmosObject>();
            if (_gizmos == null)
                _gizmos = gameObject.AddComponent<GizmosObject>();
            return _gizmos;

Рисует класс не только в Gizmos-варианте, но и через Handles (поверх объектов).

Варианты рисования следующие:

DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
DrawLine(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
DrawLineH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point)
DrawPoint(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point)
DrawVector(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point)
DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 point, Color color)
DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
DrawVector(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
DrawVectorH(string id, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
DrawDirection(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)
DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
DrawDirectionH(string id, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color)

Функции с постфиксом H рисуют поверх объектов.
id - уникальное имя, помимо этого оно отображается рядом с нарисованной фиговиной.

Пример использования следующий:

Рисование для отладки — Unity — DevTribe: инди-игры, разработка, сообщество

Результат в редакторе:

Рисование для отладки — Unity — DevTribe: инди-игры, разработка, сообщество

Как видно все просто, практично, полезно.

Смотрите также:


Вообще респект, скоро мне пригодиться для тестов)

